This assignment was to track the performance of the project indicators within different time frames of the project. The project indicators among others included
- Contraception Usage Rate
- Pursuit of Healthcare Services for Under 5 Children (U5C) by Caregivers
- Diarrhoea Prevalence in U5C
- Malaria Diagnosis Rate in U5C
- ANC Rate among Mothers
- PNC Rate among Mothers
- Rate of Skilled Birth Delivery
It also provided relevant information and lessons learned from the project interventions. This was also a longitudinal study using the Randomized Control Trials (RCT) approach whereby the target communities were categorized as control and treatment communities. The purpose of the assignment was to track the performance of project indicators in the control and treatment communities and ascertain whether there have been some initial significant project outcomes. Surveys were conducted among 1800 households in 42 communities (ie 21 controlled and 21 treatment) in the Volta Region using Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) System-Survey CTO.